Living life as a writer

I’m Back!

Hiya, I’m back. In case you were wondering what happened to alien/ghost/monster hunter…Me. I’m back. Sorry for the long absence. Thankfully, my husband, kids, and I have been able to avoid Rona thus far. So not the reason. We sold our haunted, freakishly BIG house in Colorado and moved into another — yes haunted not […]

Ancient Astronauts Extraterrestrials HIstory Religion

Part 6: Ancient Astronauts and Religion — How Human Are the Gods?

Returning to our research on Ancient Astronauts and their appearance in world religions including Christianity, I find Aristotle’s quote on gods enlightening.  Greek philosopher and scientist, Aristotle, is credited as being “the first genuine scientist in history … and every scientist is in his debt” says the Encyclopædia Britannica. Aristotle was born in 384 BC and died in 322 […]

Ancient Astronauts Extraterrestrials HIstory Religion

Part 5: Ancient Astronauts and Religion — What Are We?

Connecting the Dots A whiny old man — that is what he calls himself—who is a friend and reader — asked me why all the God stuff. If you are new and are here to read blogs on science fiction, or the paranormal, or just weird stuff, you’re probably wondering why the talk about religion […]

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