
Does Life Exist On Other Planets?

Science fiction writers continue to chip away at the secrets contained within the universe and often speculate on the possibility of life on other worlds and what it might look like. So who—among us Earthlings—thinks life on other planets exists? Chances of finding life on other planets remains unknown, but research astronomer, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, said, “I want it […]

Outer Space Science Space

Do Water Bears Offer Answers for Earthlings?

Box office science fiction hit, Guardians of the Galaxy, offers an engaging after-the-credits teaser between the character Taneleer Tivan—The Collector who appears in other Marvel Comics—and two of his remaining, living space explorers: a canine cosmonaut and Howard The Duck. The duck is fictional. The canine cosmonaut not so much. It’s common knowledge to most […]

Science The Brain

The Brain. The Only Organ That Can Think About Itself.

Do you see a rabbit or a duck in the above illustration? Or do you see both? The ability to flip between the two images indicates an individual’s creative aptitude. Persons who can make the switch appear to have a creative edge as discovered by Psychologist Dr. Joseph Jastrow in 1899. In his findings, those who […]

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