Extraterrestrials Science Fiction Starseeds

Characteristics of a Starseed. You May Be a Starseed.

In my last blog, I attempted to define and identify the phenomenon known as Starseeds. I also wrote I’d present a list of the characteristics of a Starseed in my next blog. So you could decide if you might be one. I planned to release that list in a blog the very next week, but […]

Science Fiction Starseeds

Starseeds: Who are they?

I celebrate my fifth year of blogging in March and feel the need to bring forward some of my older posts to update and revise. One of the topics that seems of particular interest to many readers is Starseeds.  I thought this would be a great subject to start off the New Year. I mean, […]

Ancient Aliens Ancient Astronauts Stars Starseeds

Starseeds, Do They Exist?

(Updated January 31, 2020. Click here for updated version.) A Definition of Starseeds Carl Sagan, a much noted and quoted American astronomer, said: We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. In the Bible,  John 17:16 says: They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. There […]

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