Science The Brain

The Brain. The Only Organ That Can Think About Itself.

Do you see a rabbit or a duck in the above illustration? Or do you see both? The ability to flip between the two images indicates an individual’s creative aptitude. Persons who can make the switch appear to have a creative edge as discovered by Psychologist Dr. Joseph Jastrow in 1899. In his findings, those who […]


Extremophiles: Creatures With Super Powers.

Extremophiles are creatures that thrive in extreme environmental conditions other living things find life-threatening. They exist on Earth and give us science-fiction-wired enthusiasts hope for the discovery of life on other planets. The weirdness of these extremophiles eases the harsh reality that, yikes, Earth may be an anomaly—that we exist in this great vastness all […]

Living life as a writer On Writing

Strange Behaviors of Famous Authors.

Flickr image by Miguelángel Guédez To conclude our series on writing, I researched a few of my favorite writers and discovered these famous authors practiced some strange behaviors in an effort to get their groove on.  Question: What do the following famous authors have in common? Marcel Proust– French novelist considered by many to be […]

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