Urban Legends

Animal Mutilations, Urban Legend or Extraterrestrials?

Reports of animal mutilations started occurring as early as 1606. But the Urban Legend didn’t gain momentum until 1967 when Snippy the horse got… well, snipped in Colorado. Forty-five miles from where I live today. (There is a chilling coincidence here that is explained farther down in the blog.) First Investigation Snippy’s History 1967 The […]

Urban Legends

The American Horror Story of Willowbrook

(Trigger Warning: Child Abuse) The American Horror Story of Willowbrook haunts me. So much so, I had to take a break from it for a day before I could finish. My high school World Lit teacher introduced me to Charles Dickens and his novels. Since then, I’ve often pondered the harshness with which adults treat […]

Urban Legends

Alaska Triangle Urban Legend and the Kushtaka

Fans of the strange and mysterious are familiar with the Bermuda Triangle Urban Legend. However, there is a similar region in Alaska, full of the unexplained. And as you may have guessed, it’s called the Alaska Triangle. The Story Twice as many people go missing in the Alaska triangle than the national average. Since 1988, […]

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