“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”– C. S. Lewis
Growing up, I believe my imagination worried my parents. My dad, a mechanical engineer for the Corp of Engineers, was gone all week. My mom, a strict Aussie matriarch, basically raised three kids on her own and ran a registered Angus ranch while doing so. She ruled our family and had no time for my “nonsense,” as she put it.
My brothers were both mathematically inclined. I, however, was not. Instead, I danced with fairies and often escaped to a dreamland no one else could fathom. But one I was convinced existed.
On acres of lonely ranch land, I roamed looking under rocks, into the depths of trees, and over the rippling waters of our pond for fairies and other wonders.
As I grew older, I put away such notions. My mom threatened I’d better or I’d never graduate from high school. So I did. But then my dear friend, Maggye, sent me pictures of fairies.
My love of such mysteries bloomed again. Join me as I return to a wondrous dreamland where fairies peer at us from beneath overreaching vines, squatty mushrooms, towering trees and whispering blades of grass.
We will need to free our imaginations and be like children once again on a quest to find fairies. (You know, if allowed, children often see fairies. Both my daughter and son did.)
The Hidden Folk
In my last blog, I talked about the origins of fairies and where they might exist. I opted for the explanation that fairies live in a different dimension than ours, and this is the reason they are not readily seen by us.
Now combine this with the one Cassandra Eason offers in her book A Complete Guide To Faeries and Magical Beings. She suggests there are natural entrances into the fairy realm on Earth.
Let’s merge realm and dimension. As discussed last time, it seems plausible to accept fairies exist in a different dimension (realm) than we do. However, there are doorways from their realm to our Earth and this is why fairies have been seen.
From our research, we might conclude fairies visited earthlings more frequently long ago.They entered our universe through these natural doorways. And maybe even kidnapped humans for their pleasure or for purposes of procreation.
This answers the question as to why there exists — throughout history —an abundance of folklore revolving around fairies.
People of the Fairy Hills
One may ask why fairies don’t visit as often as they did once upon a time. It’s important to note stories of fairies declined with the Age of Reason, when industrialism and urbanism became ever prevalent. There was no time for such nonsense —as my mum would say —as fairies.
Unlike our ancestors, modern day humans distanced themselves from nature and their surroundings. We locked ourselves away in our little structures with all our conveniences only to emerge for work, supplies, and/or take kids to school.
We traded our horses for horsepower and our lush, forested paths for asphalt. Few humans took time to stroll and enjoy nature.
Many of us, however, have come to realize the importance of being in nature. We find time to shuck our everyday duties and become children again. In awe of all that nature represents, these individuals may be honored with a glimpse (or two) of a fairy.
Evidence of Fairies
In my two previous blogs, I mentioned my friend, Maggye, and told you about her sending me pictures of fairies. Her friends were on a friends’ retreat.
In nature—enjoying all it has to offer—a fairy visited the friends and stayed long enough for them to snap some photos and take a video.
The photos have not been altered in any way. Maggye’s husband, Tom, who is an astrophysicist, agreed that the photos were authentic.
Video of an Actual Fairy
Now, look at the video below recorded by Kim Herzog Ross. (It gives me chills.)
(Probe Note: Once you hit the play button be sure to click the small square in the lower right hand corner of the video. This will enlarge it in order for you to obtain the maximum effect. When it’s over hit esc on your keyboard to escape the full screen video and return to my blog.)
This video and the above photos confirm what I’ve always believed, but suppressed.What I had experienced as a child. Fairies do exist.
A Fairy Hoax?
The Cottingley Fairies was a case study in human gullibility some say. And also noted as: How smart people lose control of the truth. (Quite apropos for our current state of affairs with regards to the presidential election.)
Much like me as a child—in search some exciting mystery —cousins ventured to a nearby stream. It was 1917. The stream was at the bottom of a garden in Cottingley, England. The cousins were sixteen-year-old Elsie Wright and ten-year-old Frances Griffiths.
Their intent was to see fairies and capture them on film. Elsie borrowed her father’s camera, and she and Frances set out on their mission soon returning with evidence of fairy existence.
Elsie’s father, an amaetur photograper, had his own darkroom and developed the photo. He was aware of his daughter’s artistic ability and believed the photograph to be fake.
Two months later the girls returned to the darkroom with another picture of fairies. At that point, the father decided not to let the girls borrow his camera again.
Photos Became Public
His wife, however, believed the photos to be authentic, and in 1919 the photos became public.
Elsie’s mother attended a meeting of the Theosophical Society. Just so happened the topic of discussion was Fairy Life. The mother showed the photos to the speaker at the end of the meeting.
The two fairy photographs were displayed at the society’s annual conference. At this point a leading member of the society, Edward Gardner, saw the potential importance of the photographs to the society’s movement. The movement being a belief that mankind was undergoing an evolutionary trend toward perfection.
Gardner said:
the fact that two young girls had not only been able to see fairies, which others had done, but had actually for the first time ever been able to materialise them at a density sufficient for their images to be recorded on a photographic plate, meant that it was possible that the next cycle of evolution was underway
Gardner sent the photos to a photography expert to authenticate. The expert’s conclusion was that the negatives were genuine, unfaked photographs.
Sherlock Gets Involved
Just so happened, the famous Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, was commissioned to write an article on fairies for The Strand magazine. He contacted Gardner to gather the specifics of the photos. He then wrote Elsie and her father for permission to publish the pictures in his article.
Gardner and Doyle requested another opinion as to the authenticity of photos from Kodak. Technicians at the company said they saw no signs of the photos being fake. However, their conclusion shouldn’t be taken as conclusive evidence, they warned.
Doyle also consulted British physicist, Sir Oliver Lodge. Lodge believed the photos to be fake and the fairies a troupe of dancers.
More Fairy Pictures
In July of 1920, Doyle asked Gardner to visit Elsie’s family and try to obtain more photographs. He was too busy to go himself. He was preparing for a lecture tour in Australia.
Gardner wrote of his meeting with the family in his book published in 1945 titled, Fairies: A Book of Real Fairies.
I went off, to Cottingley again, taking the two cameras and plates from London, and met the family and explained to the two girls the simple working of the cameras, giving one each to keep. The cameras were loaded, and my final advice was that they need go up to the glen only on fine days as they had been accustomed to do before and tice the fairies, as they called their way of attracting them, and see what they could get. I suggested only the most obvious and easy precautions about lighting and distance, for I knew it was essential they should feel free and unhampered and have no burden of responsibility. If nothing came of it all, I told them, they were not to mind a bit.
The girls insisted the fairies would not appear if others were present, and so, to the stream the girls skipped with their new cameras in hand.
All in all the meeting produced three additional photographs of the girls with their fairies. Doyle used these in a second fairy article for The Strand, at which time he included other fairy encounters. This article provided the basis for his 1922 book The Coming of Fairies.
So What Happened?
Of course, the public viewed the photos with mixed acceptance. Skeptics noted that the fairies looked like the traditional fairies from nursery tales. Critics were quick to call the photographs fake. They said all a person had to do was to know children to realize the pictures were not real.
But Elsie and Francis didn’t confess the photos were fabricated until sixty-four years later in 1983. Elsie was eighty-seven-years old at the time and died five years later. Francis was eighty-one and died two years after Elsie.
Why tell of the Cottingley Fairy Hoax you might be asking? Especially if I’m trying to convince my readers of the possibility of fairies.
Two Reasons
- Though the girls admitted the photographs were fake, they said they had really seen fairies.
- Francis claimed, even in her final years, the fifth photograph of the fairies was real and had not been altered in any way. Even her daughter, Christine Lynch, said she believed her mother that the last photograph was legitimate.
Why confess if one of the photographs was indeed real?
Elsie and Frances married and lived aboard for many years. My thought was that they’d had enough of being in the spotlight and wanted to escape for their sake, as well as their families’, hoping the Cottingley fairies would be forgotten.
Frances wrote to Elsie in 1983:
I hated those photographs from the age of 16 when Mr Gardner presented me with a bunch of flowers and wanted me to sit on the platform [at a Theosophical Society meeting] with him. I realised what I was in for if I did not keep myself hidden.
If Frances wanted to remain hidden, why did she profess the final photograph to be authentic? This is the question for which I have only one answer. The girls did see fairies and the fifth and final photo was real.
What are your thoughts? Were the Cottingley Fairies photographs entirely a hoax? Or — as in all things — is there some measure of truth? I love hearing from you.
Part Three of my next blog is titled: “Finding Fairies.” We will discuss how one might open themselves to the possibilities of actual fairy encounters.
Closing Fun Facts
- Doyle changed the girls’ names in the two fairy articles he wrote for The Strand to protect them and their families. Frances was Iris and Elsie was Alice.
- The first two photographs sold for premium prices in 2018. Iris and the Gnome brought a little over $7,000. Whereas, Alice and the Fairies sold for almost $20,000.
- Both girls claim they took the fifth and final photograph.
- A movie, loosely based on The Cottingley Fairies, was released in 1997. FairyTale: A True Story is its title. Well-known actors Mel Gibson, Peter O’Toole, and Harvey Keitel star in the movie. (Have you seen it?)
- The Theosophical Society formed in 1875 in New York City. One of the founders was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, who I have mentioned in a couple of my blogs. Theosophical means wisdom in things divine. They sought to bridge East and West religious philosophies by affirming the common threads among cultures.
(Probe Note: Much of the information on the Cottingley Hoax was obtained from wikipedia.)
The Probe’s Mission Statement
The Probe is a blog devoted to the exploration of the unexplainable, to finding the truth in occurrences that resemble science fiction, and to researching and reporting on topics that could be flung upon the wall of weird.
New posts are featured when inspiration knocks. Or my readers/friends tell me to get busy because they need something to take their minds off 2020 — the year nightmares came true.
- Mall Urban Legends - January 15, 2025
- The Ghost Pilgrim of Plymouth Urban Legend - November 27, 2024
- The Ghost Doctor Urban Legend - November 6, 2024
8 replies on “Proof of Fairies, Part II”
I love fairies and have looked for real ones but have haven’t seen one yet.
Hi Betty, thank you for your comment and reading my blog. I love fairies too, and as a child I was certain I saw them. Then, I guess, I grew older and lost the child in me. But I’m ready to start my search for them again. My next blog will focus on how we can put ourselves in the mindset to be more welcoming to fairy encounters. Let me know how your search goes. —Clara
Great blog post! We made a video about the Faery Investigation Society and have some similar theories. https://youtu.be/aPbPeY70T0Q
Hello Kids of Wonder, thank you for your positive comment and sharing a link to your video. You did an excellent job. We do have similar theories. Please stop by often and share more of your links with us. —Clara
My wife grew up in a Christian charismatic church. Her whole life she was taught and believed in God, spiritual gifts and miraculous manifestations (like gold dust, and people getting magic gold fillings). She also believed in Satan and deamons. When I met her at 19 years old, she still believed all of it. She would tell stories of anointing her dolls with oil and throwing away toys because they were demon possessed.
After a few months of dating, I asked her more and more about these beliefs. As “proof” that these beliefs were valid, she told a story about how her aunt and sister, (both of who were between 17 and 11 older than my wife) and how they reportedly would play demonic games and demons would possess their toys and make them walk around by themselves and talk to them. This was because her aunt and her sister used to watch “Dark Shadows”. My wife’s mother believed all the stories. Her sister and her daughter told her and she wouldn’t let my wife play with anything as a child that could be demonic or open some gateway in her heart for Satan or a demon to crawl into.
Even though I was a Christian at the time, I was well-versed in the problems with the charismatic movement and it’s departure from biblical orthodox Christian faith, and it’s tenancy to grab onto any testimony that someone gives without vetting it… which is odd because the Bible talks about how noble the Bereans were for testing Paul’s words to see if they were true. Before I was a Christian, I was actually pretty wild and ran around with druggies and wannabe druggies. One of the things I noticed is you could always tell the people who didn’t actually use things like LSD because they would always tell stories that I call “brag stories” that were so much bigger than what’s actually possible on your normal hallucinogen experience. They will make up these stories about hallucinating wild things in an effort to make themselves look and sound cool in the eyes of the people they’re around.
Once I became a Christian, I noticed the same tendency in believers when it came to spiritual experiences in what I call “Spiritual brag stories”. I explained to my wife that while people are not intending to lie to deceive you, they are just wanting to fit in and be validated in the eyes of their peer group. I explained that there was no earthly way that demon’s possessed her sister’s toys and made them walk around. I also explained that her sister would probably tell the story all the time and even to a degree probably convinced herself it was true… but it simply wasn’t.
Keep in mind, we were practically engaged at the time. My wife to be got super mad at me and yelled, “Are you telling me that my sister and my mom lied to me my entire life?!?!” I explained that it’s not that simple. When it comes to the charismatic church, it’s very similar to “the emperor with no clothes”. Everyone proclaiming that they see these amazing things and that they actually hear God’s voice. Theybelieve in God, but for some reason, many’ve never actually experienced these things and worry that maybe that voice inside their own imagination is actually God and they just don’t have the faith to say it’s actually him. So they make up testimonies or attribute miracles to utterly ordinary and explainable events. They make up and practice a spiritual language and speak in “tongues.”… they repeat and embellish stories that they heard from other people saying it happened to them, and they shut out any notion that others might be saying and doing the same thing… and the wheel keeps turning.
So I try to be a soft and compassionate with my fiancé, understanding that I’ve put her in a very difficult place. She is always bold and absolutely willing to stand firm in her beliefs, so she called her sister to prove me wrong. Once she was on the phone, she asked, “ hey, do you remember when you were a kid, you and Melissa would have toys that would walk around because they were demon possessed? Did that really happen?” Keep in mind. These stories were told to her mom by her sister and aunt…. And those stories were why my wife never played with rainbow, bright, care Bears, couldn’t watch anything like Smurfs or any sort of magic, and all of her dolls had an oil stain on their forehead from constantly being anointed.
So here it was the moment of truth. She asked her sister directly and expected to get a testimony of all that happened. Instead, her world shattered with a laugh. “oh no, of course not.” Was her sister’s response. So there you have it a person’s entire world view affected by the testimony of another that then was spread for years by her mother and my wife, and it was total and complete no nonsense. That’s how things like this happen..
So what does this have to do with fairies and the photographs and the confessions before they died in the 1980s that the photographs were fake all except for one. Interestingly, enough, even though the story of the demons walking around was complete bullshit. Her sister was still a charismatic Christian and couldn’t completely let go. Once my wife/fiancé at the time started questioning her about it her sister slipped right back in at the end of the conversation and said “well there was one time where one of the dolls heads moved on its own.” Luckily by then my wife saw what I was talking about. When people tell stories for so long and those stories become something larger than they expected, people are hesitant to completely dismiss them, especially if they are the originators. It is one of the hardest things for humans to do to admit that we outright deceived and lied. No one wants to be the person who impacted others negatively…. So many times, even if they admit the obvious fabrications, it is hard for them to completely let go. Anyone who is both a photographer and a artist, specializing in realism can spot that these fairy photos we’re most likely a mix of carefully cut out drawings likely with fabric and other adornments glued to them. They look like illustrations that were common at the time and even reflect some of the fashion of the period. If fairies do exist in some extra dimension, you would expect them to have their own culture and fashion, much like one would expect aliens to have their own technology. Well I’m not saying fairies are not real. I am saying the proof in the photographs is likely fake including the fifth photograph.
Thank you for sharing your story, Carson. And I understand fully where you are coming from. My older brother used to tell my younger brother and me that he put a curse on us and then he would recite some nonsense. Of course, we all grew out of those childish endeavors. However, I do know, for a fact, there are things of this world for which there is no explanation and this is the reason I became a writer. I’ve had so many unexplainable experiences from ET encounters to ghosts. These are experiences I am trying to find answers to or at least closure. Fairies were never an entity I considered seriously until my best friend sent me photos of fairies and loaned me her books on fairies. That is when I decided to investigate and research fairies. Much to my surprise, I became a believer. Since writing my fairy blogs, a beautiful fairy has visited me several times at night. I wake to find her at my bedside smiling at me. She gives me an incredible sense of peace and well-being. Do fairies exist? Or in my midnight drowsiness, am I imagining her? I don’t know the answer. I will continue my research and writing to find answers, however. —Clara
KIA Ora my name is Cory Vosspeter and I am living in New Zealand. I moved here in 2005, as I married a native New Zealander. In dreams and visions I received instructions on where the spiritual active places were. I followed God’s instructions and visited these places, taking photographs. To my amazement I had photographed Faeries, Gnomes, spirit animals and dimensional doorways. I wrote a e book, bringing these photographic evidence that Faeries do exist, to the world.
C. Vosspeter
Hello Cory, nice to meet you! I have cousins in Sydney and my mum was Australian. New Zealand is a country I’ve wanted to visit for a very long time. I know it must be beautiful. And I imagine of all places in the world, NZ would experience a heightened degree of spiritual activity. Would you please provide a link to your book? I’d love to read it and see the photos. And if you are ever interested in doing a guest blog, just let me know. Thank you. —Clara