blog post #37 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush “Who hasn’t seen the dark corners of great cities, whose small and shabby creatures wander without purpose in the secret corners of the night? Without purpose? There are those whose purpose reaches far beyond our wildest dreams.” Outer Limits opening narration for episode titled Controlled Experiment. It […]
Author: Clara Bush
Clara researches and writes on things with unknown explanations or origins. Like monsters, ghosts, fairies, lost civilizations, extraterrestrials... Blog ideas, guest bloggers and writers are welcome. Contact her. READERS feel free to share blogs and/or comment on things you like and don't like.
blog post #31 by Science Fiction Author Clara BushA blog that is a little science, a little fiction, and a lot of real. There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Television Set Image on Pixabay by Geralt “There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling […]
Maleficent, The Movie Visually remarkable, Disney’s 2014 retelling of the story of the famous Mistress of Evil is a family outing into the dark world of the beings who inhabit The Moors. Spectacular creatures, beautiful people, and landscapes that take your breath away make this a movie I recommend, if only for the amazing visual […]