Though I do appreciate my Aussie mom’s constant efforts to introduce me to classic literature, I feel a bit left-out with respect to knowledge of the great superheroes portrayed on the pages of comics. Admittedly, after seeing the trailers for Guardians Of The Galaxy, I thought a gun-toting raccoon and a talking, humanoid tree seemed […]
blog post #40 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush Yesterday’s blog talked about the Summer 2014 phenomenon, the Super Moons. I asked for photos. Here are some awesome shots of the Super Moon in San Francisco taken and sent in by American freelance photographer Tony. His work can be found online at: Thank you, Tony, […]
blog post #37 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush “Who hasn’t seen the dark corners of great cities, whose small and shabby creatures wander without purpose in the secret corners of the night? Without purpose? There are those whose purpose reaches far beyond our wildest dreams.” Outer Limits opening narration for episode titled Controlled Experiment. It […]