Monsters Science Fiction Uncategorized Zombie Apocalypse 101 Zombies

Zombie Apocalypse 101

I just bought a new Silver Bullet. Silver Bullet being the name of my old Jeep Wrangler and my new Rubicon. Why Silver Bullet? Of course because I’m a big fan of Werewolves and all things Were. The salesman, Dennis—nice guy, great salesman—wanted to know why I wanted extra water and gas tanks installed on […]


The Mummy Then and Now. Steps to Self-Mummification. Probed

By Science Fiction Author, Clara Bushnew posts Mondays  Growing up, Saturday afternoons weren’t Saturday afternoons without re-runs of all the old monster movie classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, and the weirdly provocative Mummy.  Surprise! Surprise The Short of It  A new mummy was discovered inside a 1,000-year-old statue of Buddha when a CT scan was done […]


A 700-Year-Old Valentine’s Story Discovered—Skeletons Holding Hands.

      We just said good-bye to Valentine’s Day 2015 and I hope it met or exceeded your expectations. As for me, I did a Game of Thrones marathon and watched the science fiction movie Lucy with my husband, and I can say, one of the best VDays ever. (I am not a flowers […]

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