
LOST WORLD. Part 1 Videos—This is Africa. Science Fiction Reality

Here are two videos created for THIS IS AFRICA!

By featured guest Tom Arnold, astrophysicist, geologist, and author

 Video #1 gives you that real off-road experience.

Video #2 The Awash Falls plus something looking for breakfast! 
How about you? Do you have a Lost World experience? Please share. I love hearing from you. 
To prove I love hearing from you, for those who share a comment, your name will be placed into THE MAGIC JAR. If you comment and link back to my blog from your blog, your name will be placed in the magic jar twice. On December 29, 2014, my alien friend ( or ghost) (or Walk-In) (or whoever is hanging around at the time) will reach into the jar and pull forth a name. That person can claim one of the following:

1. A Wyso/Danny ring handcrafted by my Native American friend, Neal Paquin of Santa Fe, NM, especially designed for my first novella, Wyso and the Other Creepy Kids on Gerard Street. (Picture of ring here at the bottom of blog post. ) Sizes for children, women, and men.  One of a kind design.

2. A $20 gift certificate to Amazon via email.

3. My opinion of the first twenty pages of your novel or novella. (Someone else’s opinion of my writing is something I look for every chance I get. Just thought you might be looking also.)

Photo credits:

All videos were taken and graciously shared by the author, Tom Arnold.

blog post #73 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush

The Science Fiction Reality blog is a little science, a little fiction, a little about writing, a little real, and a lot of weird. (Name change after the new year.)

Clara Bush
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