Monsters Zombie Apocalypse 101 Zombies

Zombies For Reals

There are unanswered questions concerning Zombies such things as: Can they swim? Can you catch Zombism from sitting on a toilet seat? Can they have Zombie babies? Wait. Back up. Can they have sex? And if you have sex with a Zombie what does that make you, besides one sick freak? Can a Zombie drive […]

News Science

Ought To Be Science Fiction. Nope It’s Real. Five Lessons From a Lab Rat.

Today we probe an eye surgery that vowed to miraculously restore 20/20 vision to nearsighted individuals.   How Important Are Eyes To A Writer The Short of It During a popular eye surgery in the 1980s and 1990s, known as Radial Keratotomy, incisions were made into the cornea of a person’s eyes with a diamond knife. […]

Monsters Movies Science Fiction

Monster Mash Monday. Thank you Berg and del Toro.

We all love. Love. Love. A good monster. I don’t mean good in the sense of Dudley Do Right good. I mean good as in—freaky me out, pee in my pants, look under the bed, scream my head off—good. Like Alien, Predator, Body Snatchers, Terminator, Skitters, Jeepers Creepers, The Blob, The Thing, The Tingler, Frankenstein, […]

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