Fiction Monsters

Interview with a Shapesifter

Shapeshifting dominates myths, legends, folklore, and fairy tales as far back as we can trace. Some even believe Jesus was a shapeshifter. They believe this is why Judas betrayed him with a kiss. Otherwise he could have just described Jesus to the soldiers. But, since Jesus could change his shape, Judas used a kiss. Even […]

Extraterrestrials Fiction

13 Best ET Pick-Up Lines

During my brief summer sabbatical, I entertained several of my childhood friends for nightly card games. My childhood friends—which my parents claimed to be imaginary—had, like me, grown up and were interested in more adult problems rather than scaring the neighbors, or kids’ games such as Hide and Boo or Murder in the Graveyard. During […]

Extraterrestrials Walk-Ins

Walk-Ins and Extraterrestrials. 5 Ways They’re Different.

Some of my science fiction readers asked: “Could a Walk-In be an Extraterrestrials?” Two of my favorite Extraterrestrial movies are Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the 1956 version, and Invasion from Mars, 1953. You just can’t beat the creepy-as-crap oldies. In both films, aliens descend to Earth and take over a human’s body.  In recent […]

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