Fiction Living life as a writer On Writing Self-Publishing writing style

Ellipses…Guidelines for Their Safe Use In Fiction

Deviating from the weird and wonderful, the next two blogs will deal with writer business. I know. I feel your pain. But I receive so many hits on my blogs on ellipses and em dashes, it’s time to update. I’ve procrastinated long enough.  Much confusion surrounds the use of ellipses — a series of three […]

Ghosts Hauntings Sleep Paralysis Walking Dead Sleep

Waking Dead Sleep

“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” ― Mark Twain The moon has always been a source of mysticism and folklore, and some poets, writers, and researchers link it to heighten supernatural activity. I’ve talked about my living in haunted houses. Have I mentioned that I occupied […]

Ghost Hunt Ghosts Hauntings Paranormal Supernatural

Ghost Hunt Part 8: Ghostly Encounters

Next stop on our ghost hunt deviates from my personal ghostly encounters to those of another. On The Probe, I’m after authentic hauntings shared by people who have experienced paranormal contacts. For today’s blog, I interviewed JE. JE is a wife, the mother of four beautiful children, and an entrepreneur living in Central Texas. She is […]

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