Living life as a writer On Writing

Steinbeck And Toole On Writing. The Many and the One.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, John Kennedy Toole (1937-1969), committed suicide at thirty-one. His demise can be credited to one rejection from a major publisher. Toole’s rejection—given by Simon & Schuster’s senior editor Robert Gottlieb—went like this: … with all its wonderfulnesses, the book—even better plotted (and still better […]

On Writing

The Power Of One. Living Life as a Writer.

I’m often asked: How do you do it? How do you keep writing after the rejections? Of course, only my writer friends ask me this question. My regular friends are unaware of my inner struggles. And I would say that most people don’t realize the struggle a writer faces day after day unless these people […]

On Writing writing style

The Em Dash

Writers Love ’em. Editors Hate ’em. How To Use ’em In my last blog, I said I’d take a break from the weird and wonderful and do some updates on my writing series. Confusion exists among writers on the usage of Em dashes. And what’s the difference between an En dash and an Em dash? […]

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