Ancient Aliens Extraterrestrials Just Weird On Writing Science Fiction Unexplainable

I’m Not Saying It Was Aliens…

Creed, Colorado is one of my favorite places to visit. Quaint and ruggedly beautiful. The other day I was there sipping a cuppa Earl Grey at the coffee shop/bakery in town, and the owner lady struck up a conversation with me. I told her I was a writer. She said, “I bet you write romance.” […]

Fiction Motivation On Writing

Liebster Blog Award! We’ve Been Nominated.

  A blogging/Twitter/writer friend of mine, Myk Pilgrim, nominated our blog for the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD. Now, Myk is quite the character and a very hilarious individual, so imagine my thoughts when I read about my nomination. I was like: Really? Is this for reals? I’m not falling for this. Turns out the Liebster Blog Award is […]

Fiction On Writing

Confessions Of A Science Fiction Writer. Confession # 1: Stephen King and I

Today’s post is the beginning of a new series for my Wednesday’s Writer Spider Street Fighter blog. I wanted to call it Confessions, but decided that might be misleading and that my blog might end up on numerous porn sites. But hey, if it sells books… Right? Then I thought that perhaps individuals who frequent […]

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