Living life as a writer On Writing Self-Publishing writing style

THE Editing Checklist

Finding an editor that doesn’t rip your creative endeavors to shreds is the proverbial needle-in-a-haystack. As well as finding an editor with whom you can collaborate. This writing industry of ours did not create editors equally. Even though I learn much from each ripping, a little positive feedback would have been nice from the last […]

On Writing

Hugh Howey On Self-Publishing

(updated from September 17, 2014) One of the biggest questions a writer today must answer is should I self-publish my book or go with a traditional publisher? And although this is the number one question in most writing groups, it is not a new concept.  As I stated in my last blog, in 1849, unable […]

On Writing

Writing, 2 Must Dos and a Don’t

In my short history of self-publishing Science Fiction eBooks, there are several things I’ve learned. Profound mistakes to be more exact. I share below, three  important things which are a must if you are serious about becoming a writer. I don’t give a lot of advice on writing because there are tons of writers out […]

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