I began blog writing in March of 2014. One my first news tips was from a former student of mine on the topic of Dulce Base. I’d never heard of it and it even has a Wikipedia entry on it. It’s an alleged secret underground alien base on the New Mexico/Colorado border.
At one time I owned a cabin in New Mexico, so imagine my surprise when I learned that right in my backyard was an alien research facility. And I’d never heard of it.
Like Fox and Scully, in their search for the truth—it’s out there isn’t it—many of us believe in aliens and government cover-ups. But after some research back then, I became a little skeptical about the truth associated with Dulce Base, and I’m not a skeptic.
Brief, Very Brief, History of Dulce Base
- Suspicions involving the Dulce Base were first brought to the public eye and UFO fans in 1979 by Paul Bennewitz, an Albuquerque businessman, who claimed he had intercepted communications from alien spacecrafts. In 1980, he became convinced that there was an underground base near Dulce.
- In 1990, UFOlogist John Lear said he had independent confirmation that the base did indeed exist.
- The Dulce Base became fodder for novels, a comic series, a 2012 video game; as well as, being featured in episodes of the History Channel’s UFO Hunters and in episodes of Ancient Aliens.
April 11, 2014
Headline at 5d.com. reads: UFO ET Dulce Base Revealed From A Scientist Now In Hiding.
They warn you in the copy—and I say they because there is no byline—that the information is top secret and that sharing it puts your life danger. I must confess a cold chill ran up and down my spin. It says people have been killed for sharing this knowledge.
There is a video to watch that discloses the notes of a scientist. There are pictures to see of things in jars, clones, and tunnels. The pictures were attributed to a Dulce security guard, Thomas Costello, who they claim is missing along with his family, and the no-byline person also claims the public presumes the family to be dead. Another chill. Maybe, that is why there is no byline.
Back Then
After watching the video (which has since been removed), I found a couple of things that made me think perhaps the truth hid when it read this eArticle. A long time friend and a tip-advisor pointed out the first two observations when I asked his opinion.
- The document does not sound like the notes of a scientist, unless perhaps, he is a science fiction scientist.
- The name Thomas Costello would probably be Tomas Costello in this particular area of New Mexico.
Then I realized:
- They cite trucks with Paragosa Springs, Colorado written on the sides. There is no Paragosa Springs in Colorado. There is, however, a Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Does a scientist make that type of mistake?
- The woman speaker in the video skirts right over the mention of ALF, alien life forms, (which was also the name of a popular sitcom from 1986 to 1990). Are the dates coincidental?
As I said, I’m not a skeptic. (Read my story here.) I am a true conspiracy theory enthusiast. (Just ask my husband.) And I do believe ET visits are possible if not inevitable and may have already occured.
I applaud in5d.com. It was a fun read. Especially when they say:
The Dulce Base is believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans.
Really got the old science fiction juices flowing. But wait, what the frack is: feeding off of humans? Are we talking Hannibal, science, or science fiction?
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