Fiction Living life as a writer On Writing Self-Publishing writing style

Ellipses…Guidelines for Their Safe Use In Fiction

Deviating from the weird and wonderful, the next two blogs will deal with writer business. I know. I feel your pain. But I receive so many hits on my blogs on ellipses and em dashes, it’s time to update. I’ve procrastinated long enough.  Much confusion surrounds the use of ellipses — a series of three […]

Fiction On Writing

Confessions Of A Science Fiction Writer. Confession # 1: Stephen King and I

Today’s post is the beginning of a new series for my Wednesday’s Writer Spider Street Fighter blog. I wanted to call it Confessions, but decided that might be misleading and that my blog might end up on numerous porn sites. But hey, if it sells books… Right? Then I thought that perhaps individuals who frequent […]

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