Fiction On Writing

Confessions Of A Science Fiction Writer. Confession # 1: Stephen King and I

Today’s post is the beginning of a new series for my Wednesday’s Writer Spider Street Fighter blog. I wanted to call it Confessions, but decided that might be misleading and that my blog might end up on numerous porn sites. But hey, if it sells books… Right? Then I thought that perhaps individuals who frequent […]


The Predator, Kevin Peter Hall.

blog post #66 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush Thanksgiving! Family Invasion! Turkey! Cranberries! And classic science fiction film! For today’s blog I found a YouTube video since all parties involved—I feel sure—are busy with the holidays. Not much time for reading lengthy blogs or researching. (Overseas readers, I apologize. I know you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.) […]


SyFy—Please, Please, Imagine Greater. Science Fiction Reality.

blog post #61 by Science Fiction Author Clara Bush Back in the 1990s, when our family first got Dish, I was a huge fan of the SyFy channel. Stargate,  Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, and Firefly provided me with a regular dose of sci-fi to satisfy my craving for the genre. Then something happened to the Sci Fi Channel. They […]

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