A blogging/Twitter/writer friend of mine, Myk Pilgrim, nominated our blog for the LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD. Now, Myk is quite the character and a very hilarious individual, so imagine my thoughts when I read about my nomination. I was like: Really? Is this for reals? I’m not falling for this.
Turns out the Liebster Blog Award is a real thing. So Myk, Thank you very much. I’ll wear my Liebster Award widget proudly. And here is where all of you can read Myk’s awesome blog he calls, Artificial Blog. on his website Little Plastic Castles. (I love the name.) He was nominated as well for this highly prestigious award.
The Rules One Must Follow
Upon Nomination for the Liebster Blog Award.
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Nominate other bloggers that you feel deserve the award.
5. Create a new list of questions for the bloggers to answer.
6. List these rules in your post.
7. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.(They may have never heard of it.)
The Questions Myk Asked Me
MYK:What books on your night stand right now? I mean really. Photographic proof please.
ME: No book, just my iPad with about ninety books I have bought and must read soon. Currently, I’m reading Divergent, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Elementals, and about ten different books on writing, publishing, and marketing.
MYK: First thing you do when you sit down to write? No lying, Ill know if you’re lying.
ME: Pick my nose, not in hopes of retrieving something, but because I’m nervous about the words that are fixin’ to come shooting out of my fingers. (I can say fixin’ ’cause I’m Texan.)
MYK: The first fictional character you fell in love with? I’m talking in sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G luuuurrrrvvveee.
Me: That would have to be Roland from Stephen Kings’ Dark Towers series. Of course, that was when I was older. When I was younger, who else but the notorious bad boy of all times, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. Or if we’re talking fictional other than in literature then Robin Hood and/or Batman. I had/have lots. I’m a very fickle fictional lover.
MYK: When and where do you do most of your reading?
Me: In bed or in the car. Or under a tree. Or on the screened in porch. Or down by the river. Or…
MYK: Is there a book that you absolutely hated, I’m talking fire of a thousand suns kind of stuff.
ME: Yes, there is. And if you email me I’ll tell you what it is. But I can’t say here because it is a very popular book by a very popular author and I don’t want to piss off anyone. But I couldn’t understand what all the hoopla was about over this book and made into a movie. It was poorly written and had the same plot line as two other books.
MYK: Your favourite thing/item on your writing desk/space? Bobblehead? Nerdy mug? Cat? Lack of cat?
Me: A red vase of posies. Lack of cat. My cup with my pencils, hiliters, and Pamela’s Gluten Free Whenever Bars.
MYK: What was the last book that you read? and would you recommend it? If not why not?
Me: I read How I Live Now by Mey Rosoff. Myk, you got me interested in the book when you did a review on the movie. Highly recommend to anyone who is interested in YA. Rosoff does YA right with a style all her own. A style that allows the reader to live the life of a 15 year old girl during World War III.
MYK: Do you have a default read? Something you keep going back to?
Me: Theodore Sturgeon’s Godbody. It’s science fiction with romance and some pretty racy sex scenes at which Sturgeon is a master.
MKY: Best time of the day to write & preferred beverage to fuel said session?
Me: Early morning with the birds. I drink my Earl Grey and they eat sunflower seeds. Here is a video of what I see out my window at that time. Click on full screen for best effect. Please forgive the brevity. It’s my first attempt.
MKY: Blue, black or red pen? Please substantiate, there will be brownie points for correct answers.
Me: Blue, black, or red? Are we talking Skittles? Pencil ONLY—my weapon of choice.
MKY: What are the three tracks you have on repeat right now?
Me: Hozier’s “Take Me To Church,” David Gray’s album White Ladder, and Woodkids’ album The Golden Age.
The Questions I’m asking
The Bloggers I nominated.
1. In the world of literary fiction, who is your hero? Hero=he or she.
2. The song you listen to in order to get motivated to write? Song= one only, please.
3. What quote keeps you set on go to complete your goals?
4. What animal is your spirit guide?
5. If you were in a Fahrenheit 451 scenario, which one book would you hide to keep it from being thrown into the fire? Other than the Bible.
6. What preparations have you made for the Zombie Apocalypse? List at least 2. And don’t lie. You know you’ve made some.
7. If you could choose, would you be a vampire, werewolf, or zombie? Why, briefly?
8. What is your pick for the greatest science fiction movie ever?
9. What scares you? I mean really creeps you out in the creepy way like look under the bed or in the closet way— not like car wrecks, or serial killers, or death of loved ones, but like aliens or alien abduction, or ghosts, or dinosaurs, or…
10. Your first kiss, would you give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down?
11. If you could time travel, would you? Where to? Past? Future? Would you go back and repeat and/or improve your first kiss?
My Nominations For The Liebster Award
(Drum roll.)
A.J. Blakemont at A.J.Blakemont
Skip Marsden at Writing Odds N Ends (to see Skip’s answers click here)
John Ridley at Stranger Views
Alan Rinzler at Alan Rinzler
Travis Simmons at Travis Simmons Author of Wyrd Fiction
New blog posted every week on The Probe, usually on Mondays. I’m posting early ’cause I’m fixin’ to be excited about my award.
The Probe (which is the unofficial/official name of this blog)—probes the unknown in science fiction, science, paranormal, fiction, ghosts, monsters, aliens, space, UFOs, the strange, and the weird.
blog post #106
- The Ghost Ship of the Carquinez Strait Urban Legend - August 15, 2024
- Benicia Arsenal Urban Legend - July 18, 2024
- The Crying Boy Painting Urban Legend - June 19, 2024
13 replies on “Liebster Blog Award! We’ve Been Nominated.”
Thanks for the Liebster Award nomination, Clara! I normally do not entertain these awards, but since it’s you … I think I’ve had a few awards over my life that have meant something to me. The first happened when I was a teenager, and spent the summer at our local Boy Scout camp earning my aquatics merit badges (swimming, life saving, rowing and canoeing [note I did not use the Oxford comma]). At dinner in the mess hall one evening, the camp director announced that a Scout was going to be “promoted” to the camp staff, and in particular, the waterfront staff. And he called my name. Wow! What a surprise! The second was at high school graduation when I was a junior. My name was called for the History Award for my term paper on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Again, wow! The third was for a performance I gave as Alfred P. Doolittle in a local community theater production of the musical “My Fair Lady.” It was a regional recognition. Again, wow!
So, wow! my friend! I accept! Now to do all the work . . . !
Hi Skip,
My claim to noteworthy awards as a child rests solely on the shoulders of a watermelon eating contest sponsored by our local 4H club. I swallowed the seeds and all and was declared the winner. Made my dad extremely proud.
I’m glad you accepted the award. The Liebster means a great deal to me as well.
[…] writing friend Clara Bush —with a bunch of other names in between — has nominated me for the distinction of The Liebster Award. She sent me an email. […]
Hi Clara,
Dear, dear! What a lovely surprise! What can I say? I am flattered and I accept with pleasure, of course.
I like your questions – very imaginative. Answering them will be much fun. I also know a few blogs I could nominate. It can take me a few weeks to make up my mind though.
By the way, I plan to publish a series of book reviews, so stay tuned!
All the best
Hi AJ,
I am so thrilled that you are embracing the award, and that you find the questions inviting. I can’t wait to read your post, and I will definitely stay tuned for your book reviews. I love your blog.
All the best to you as well,
Now that is how it’s done, very tidy post.
How the hell do you enjoy reading on an iPad my eyes can’t take the extra screen time. I may occasionally read a digital comic on the tablet but couldn ‘t use it as my primary. Maybe y’all Texans are just made of stronger stuff?
That said YA or no Divergent was a really fun read, there were times when it had my palms sweating.
White ladder is a great album, my best friend’s old man used to play the live DVD almost on repeat. Everytime I hear the easy drum groove I picture the lanky dude on drums bopping like a bobblehead, he was really funky.
*goes off to dig it out*
Also you get brownie points for ‘pencil’ – way to go thinking out of the box.
Thanks for playing, this has been great fun
Hi Myk,
Glad you approve and I agree it was great fun. Thank you again for nominating me. As far as the iPad vs the real thing, my eyes have always been a problem. Some of the tiny lettering in real books makes it extremely difficult for me to read. With my iPad, I can enlarge the font to whatever size I need, plus it is lighted making it even easier.
WHITE LADDER is an excellent album to listen to while writing, really sparks the old creative flow. Hope you were able to “dig it out”.
I did, it was awesome. Very Nostalgic
What is your position on crunchy guitar riffs and feral female vocals by the way?
Yes, crunchy guitar riffs are fun. But wild female vocals—not sure—can you recommend someone?
Wow, this post was a blast to read, I love that you fell in love with Roland, I had no idea “big, tall and ugly” would have won over your heart but, I suppose if you like confident strong men with a soft heart then no one beats Roland.
Also, I am so glad you started Elementals, I can’t wait to hear what you think, I imagine you being hooked.
This blog was a blast, I loves it, thanks for sharing so much of yourself.
Your biggest fan
Yes! Big, tall and ugly definitely my type. And any strong man with a good heart is sexy and handsome.
The blog was a blast to write. I found out so much stuff about myself I didn’t know.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment. Hope you stop by often. Stay tuned for a review of Elementals. Hugs!
Hi Clara,
I’m still looking for blogs to nominate. It’s not as easy as I thought!
In the meantime, I added a link to your blog on my website: http://blakemont.com/links/
All the best
Hi AJ,
Thank you so much for the shout-out on your website. I so appreciate it. Hope you are able to find some blog nominees. I look forward to reading your Liebster blog post.
Best of luck,