Ancient Aliens Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

Ancient Alien Poll Results

I’ve been conducting some polls among my social media communities and though not earth shaking, the contradictory results are interesting. Let’s just say members of the Sci-Fi community are less likely to believe in Ancient Alien influence on Earth than members of the community known as:  Ancient Aliens, Extraterrestrial Influence, and UFOs. I figured there would be very little […]

Ancient Aliens Just Weird Monsters Science

Ode to the Anglerfish — Champ of Weird.

There is more information on the Anglerfish than one might think. Just for fun, I’ve posted some videos on this monster of the deep.  (ProbeNote: For more information on the Anglerfish click on blog )   Champion of Weird Another YouTube video on the subject of anglerfish. Rainbow of Ugly This is funny, laugh-out-loud funny, […]

Ancient Aliens Monsters Movies Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

Exterrestrials — Will They Be Naughty or Nice?

The Demise of Mankind Many of us believe space aliens are a definite maybe. They are out there somewhere in the vast unknown. Do they know we are here? Have they seen our signals that many scientists think are a bad idea for us to be sending. If they find us, will they be hostile […]

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