Ancient Aliens Extraterrestrials Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

Space Junk, ETs, or a Superhero?

I watched the  TV series, Supergirl, last night. And though, so far, it’s light science fiction/fantasy it shows potential. If you were a fan of Smallville, and are into Arrow and Flash, you might enjoy this as well.  Remembering Smallville and the whole superhero genre, I recalled the scene when, as an infant, Superman falls from […]

Ancient Aliens Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

Ancient Alien Poll Results

I’ve been conducting some polls among my social media communities and though not earth shaking, the contradictory results are interesting. Let’s just say members of the Sci-Fi community are less likely to believe in Ancient Alien influence on Earth than members of the community known as:  Ancient Aliens, Extraterrestrial Influence, and UFOs. I figured there would be very little […]

Ancient Aliens News Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

UFO Researcher, Tom Carey, Claims Proof Of Roswell Cover Up

In 2014, Roswell researcher, Tom Carey, announced that he has promising proof of the UFO crash incident. The proof lay in two Kodachrome color slides that Kodak authorities have verified as dating back to 1947—the time of the infamous Roswell incident. Carey made his announcement to a crowd of honor students during a panel discussion […]

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