
Does Life Exist On Other Planets?

Science fiction writers continue to chip away at the secrets contained within the universe and often speculate on the possibility of life on other worlds and what it might look like. So who—among us Earthlings—thinks life on other planets exists? Chances of finding life on other planets remains unknown, but research astronomer, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, said, “I want it […]

Ghost Hunt Ghosts Hauntings Paranormal Supernatural

Ghost Hunt — Part 3: Repo House

Fast forward to the second and third haunted houses I’ve lived in. The two haunted houses are connected in space and energy and throughout time. We moved from Hellhound House to The Old House, and I sighed with relief. But the first night in our new home, I heard chains and footsteps in the attic. […]

Ancient Aliens Extraterrestrials Outer Space Science Science Fiction Space

Space Junk, ETs, or a Superhero?

I watched the  TV series, Supergirl, last night. And though, so far, it’s light science fiction/fantasy it shows potential. If you were a fan of Smallville, and are into Arrow and Flash, you might enjoy this as well.  Remembering Smallville and the whole superhero genre, I recalled the scene when, as an infant, Superman falls from […]

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