The Spitzer Space Telescope located seven new Earth-sized planets, NASA announced February 22, 2017. It is the first known system of its size to orbit a single star. Three of the planets are located in the habitable zone—the area around the parent star where we might find planets with liquid water. Water could mean life. With this discovery, a revisit […]
Category: Ancient Astronauts
Updated March 7, 2020 During my research on Walk-Ins and Starseeds, one term continually popped up. The Crystal Gene. It’s a concept I hadn’t encountered before. Individuals who have a Walk-In or believe themselves a Starseed possess what is called a Crystal Gene. A primitive gene connected to our original beginnings that, once activated, keeps […]
(Updated January 31, 2020. Click here for updated version.) A Definition of Starseeds Carl Sagan, a much noted and quoted American astronomer, said: We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. In the Bible, John 17:16 says: They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. There […]