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New Super Earth Best Bet at Finding ETs and Fermi Solutions

As our technology becomes more advanced, and we become smarter, and star-gazers begin to ask the right questions, more earth-like planets are being discovered. With these discoveries come the possibilities of other life forms, and uncovering the answer to Enrico Fermi’s question: Where is everyone? Newly discovered exoplanets—like Proxima b and the seven Trappist-1 planets—have teased us with […]

Ancient Aliens Ancient Astronauts Ancient Civilizations Extraterrestrials Just Weird Science Starseeds Walk-Ins

The Mysterious Crystal Gene. 8 Things You Didn’t Know.

Updated March 7, 2020 During my research on Walk-Ins and Starseeds, one term continually popped up. The Crystal Gene. It’s a concept I hadn’t encountered before. Individuals who have a Walk-In or believe themselves a Starseed possess what is called a Crystal Gene. A primitive gene connected to our original beginnings that, once activated, keeps […]

Ancient Aliens Ancient Astronauts Ancient Civilizations Extraterrestrials HIstory Just Weird Outer Space Science Space

Unfolding The Ancient Astronaut Theory

The opening scene in the 2012 science fiction horror film Prometheus displays a visually elegant portrayal of a humanoid alien who generates a biogentic reaction with his DNA. With this reaction, life on earth begins. Director Ridley Scott’s said his film was, in part, influenced by Erich von Däniken’s 1968 book, Chariots of the Gods? Däniken’s book proposes that […]

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